Shafqat Mahmood visits Saudi Arabia Broadcasting school

ISLAMABAD, Dec 05 (APP):Federal Minister for Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture Shafqat Mahmood, visited Saudi Broadcasting School “IEN” at Riyadh.

According to a press release issued here, Hamad Bin Mohammed Al Al-Sheikh, Education Minister, KSA and Dr Saad Bin Saud Al Fahid,

Vice Minister for Education received Shafqat Mahmood at the Live Broadcasting School and briefed about the state-of-the-art facility established in 15 days to cope with learning losses during Covid 19 pandemic.

Minister for Education, Pakistan appreciated the IEN live Broadcasting school systems, quality of content & its delivery and reach out mechanism.

It was decided that both IEN Saudi Arabia and TeleSchool Pakistan will engage and share experiences, processes & technologies to boost distance learning education, in order to provide quality education in rural areas.