Ethiopian embassy honors ‘Champions of Ethio-Pakistan Fraternity’ for strengthening bilateral ties

ISLAMABAD, Dec 05 (APP): The Ethiopian embassy on Thursday hosted a grand event to honor the individuals who have been on forefront to foster the friendship and brotherhood between the two nations by highlighting true image of Ethiopia in Pakistan especially its economic potential, rich heritage, diverse culture and multi-faceted tourism.

Addressing the ‘Champions of Ethio-Pakistan Fraternity’ ceremony, Special Envoy and Ambassador Extraordinary of Ethiopia to Pakistan, Dr Jemal Beker expressed his profound gratitude and appreciation to the distinguished guests, recognizing their critical contributions to strengthening bilateral relations.

He said, “Today is one of the happiest days of my life in Pakistan. This gathering celebrates the champions of the Ethio-Pakistan fraternity and highlights the lasting connection between our great nations.”

Ambassador Dr Jemal emphasized the significant role media plays in shaping public perceptions and advancing public diplomacy. He said, “In this modern era, the power of media cannot be underestimated.

It is a vital instrument for disseminating accurate information and fostering understanding between nations. Through proper engagement and the seamless provision of authentic narratives, we can highlight the rich histories, cultures, and values of Ethiopia and Pakistan.”

Highlighting the potential of Pakistan, the ambassador praised the country’s breathtaking landscapes, diverse heritage, and economic promise. He also addressed the challenges of misinformation faced by both nations, citing the impact of global narratives that often misrepresent Ethiopia.

“Ethiopia is a land of immense progress, hosting international leaders annually and championing green transformation and economic growth under the leadership of Dr Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia,” he remarked.

The ambassador drew attention to the centuries-old ties between the two nations, anchored in shared history, culture, and traditions. He referenced Ethiopia’s connection to Hazrat Bilal Habeshi (RA), a revered figure in Islamic history, to underline the deep cultural and spiritual bond shared by the people of Ethiopia and Pakistan.

Ambassador Dr Jemal commended Pakistan’s media for its efforts in combating misinformation and promoting truth in the digital age. “Together, we can shape a positive global perception of our countries by sharing authentic stories and showcasing our traditions,” he said.

Reflecting on the growing bilateral engagement, the ambassador highlighted the strategic initiatives taken by both nations, including Pakistan’s Look Africa policy and Ethiopia’s Enter and Operate in Africa through Ethiopia policy. These initiatives aim to enhance trade, cultural exchange, and collaboration, making Ethiopia a gateway for Pakistan’s engagement with Africa – a continent brimming with opportunities.

Notable achievements under this partnership include the successful launch of Ethiopian Airlines flights from Karachi, which have received overwhelming support from Pakistani travelers, and the exchange of delegations in key sectors such as business, trade, health, education, and technology.